The first Webware article which grabbed me was one about a new Zoho Notebook but further reading brought up serious glitches (disappearing content) although the designer commented that these problems have now been smoothed out. From here I found out about Google Notebook, Netvibes, Clipmarks service) and simplest of all, Notefish, which provides a sample of gathering online data such as all one needs for a trip to New York or to purchase a laptop I would have to sign up for each to really evaluate them (perhaps someone already has) but they sound perfect for public computer users at the library and student or work groups working on team projects.
Web 2.0 awards under Books brought up nothing new until I spied which was interesting in its links to the "global world takeover project" under Honorable Mentions.
MyFilmz - social list of movies.
MyProgs - social list of programs.
TagFacts - social knowledge base.
Bank of Ideas - social list of ideas.
It may be time for KCLS to link to these kinds of collecting and/or tagging sites if we cannot streamline our book bags and checkout lists for our patrons' use.